WEEK 1 - 18th February 2020


ENTRY 1: WEEK 1 - 18th February 2020 

ONSITE: Site Documentation, sketching, and photography - 


What buildings or structures are on the site? 
How many? One building
How big are they? It is a large apartment complex.
Where do we get into the buildings? There are designated entry points from the steps which is located at the foyer of the building.
What other openings are there (for example, windows)? 
-    There are windows located on either side of the building. 
-    There are panels of glass from the top of the bottom to the building displayed on either side of the entry. 
-    The entry to the building can be accessed from the steps at the bottom of the base foyer. 
Are they multilevel? (if so, how do we get from one to the other?) The apartment complex is multilayered. The different levels can be accessed via lift as well as staircases, installed foe fire safety reasons. 

What natural elements are on the site?
Trees, shrubs, waterways, rocks. 
     The site is composed of majority of solid materials e.g. Concrete, steel, pavers etc. Although the concrete planter boxes contain shrubs which add to the landscape of the building. 
-    Opposite the building there is an opening of grass which contains trees and natural rocks and bark products.

Material Elements found on site 
What are the manmade elements composed of? e.g. Brick, Steel, Glass, Sandstone etc. 
The building is composed of:
Concrete slabs, steel, timber, aluminum pavers, light fittings 

How do people use the site? 
Is there a thoroughfare? People use the site for accommodation purposes. Therefore, there is a consistent thoroughfare throughout the day. Also close to the apartments is a walkway which students’ access after departing from a nearby bus stop. Thus, increasing the thoroughfare within the area. 

Is there a contemplative space? 
What are the different intended or unintended functions of the site? The intended purpose of the site is to inhabit students, provide them with a residence. The unintended purpose of the site may be that it is used as a meeting space or a sitting area. Opposite the building is a grass area which may be used by students to sit on.

What is the orientation of the site? 
Where is North, South, East, and West? North East 

(Out of Class Activity) Where is the Sun at 3 different times in one day (morning, midday, and afternoon) - the sun hits from the left side in the morning, then moves towards the right side of the building throughout the day. 

Photography: Taking photos of the site -


Individual Composite Image:

Group Composite Image: 

Sketching: Blind Contour Drawing 


STUDIO: Getting to know your tool kits and different types of mark-making -


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